Quick chat with @Taylormade

So this isn't the first time I've mentioned Taylor.
It's so funny how we met - I had an order for a Taylor, but couldn't seem to contact her - tried text and email and no go. Then Taylor had followed me on Insta and I thought, THIS MUST BE HER!
.. I was wrong 🤣
But a crafting friendship was born 💖
Meet Taylor!
Can you tell me a little bit about your business?
I have a teeny little small side business/hobby called Taylor Made. I love personalising all the things (just ask my partner, EVERYTHING in our house is personalised in one way or another haha)
I started my little hobby during lockdown number one, I needed something to keep myself busy and wanted to send my loved ones cute little things to let them know although we can’t see each other I’m still thinking about them! (Perks of being a non essential worker I guess haha)
What are 5 random things about you? The randomer the better! Like: What is your favourite colour, one thing that annoys you, your favourite food, favourite tv show, favourite crafting tool/machine?
I’m a chihuahua mumma! I have two sweet chihuahuas who I adore named Honey and Bentley.
My favourite colour is definitely pink, although you will never catch me wearing any colour my wardrobe is literally all black haha.
My favourite crafting machine is my sweet lil Cricut Joy.
My party trick is that I can pop my hip out of place.. probably need to see a doctor about that ASAP haha.
Okay this next one is top secret.. I’m obsessed with watching Antiques Roadshow, embarrassing I know.. it’s my guilty pleasure LOL! I guess I’m just hoping one day I’ll be at a thrift shop or garage sale and find an ancient artefact worth millions 😂😂
How long have you been crafting? When did you start?
I started crafting during lockdown number one! Feels like an eternity ago now, thanks panini haha
What are your favourite things to craft?
I love to personalise absolutely anything and everything!!! Even my partners car is personalised thanks to me 😂
What is your favourite thing to craft/use from our range?
I’m so excited to personalise the clutches! I have some super cute Valentine’s Day ideas.
Whats your number 1 hack/tip for anyone else starting out with crafting or business? For example, mine is reverse weeding after you take out all the inbetween parts (like inside your h's, o's etc!) - try it, its life changing haha
#1 tip is you NEED a Cricut Joy in your life! Weekend away? No worries pop that little bad boy in your bag and craft on the go! You never know where you will find inspo and if you’re anything like me once the creative juices start flowing you must craft ASAP! 😂
Where can people find you?
My Instagram is taylormadeau.