So let me tell you about a lesson I learnt, and it wasn't anyones fault.

It was my first big shipment where I ordered almost 500 can glasses - and I was really excited about them because everrrrryyyyoonnneee had asked me when they’re coming. I had opened preorders with the Easter Sacks because I was so excited about them. My customers were so excited too because they did their own pre-orders too. They had their customers waiting for these items to land in the country. It was a whole supply chain! Then, things out of our control - like cities going in to lockdown, and factories stopping production happened.
After much stress I made the very expensive decision to air freight them in. When I say it was expensive, it was EXPENSIVE. My customer @taylormadeau joked and said:
But all's well that ends well. They arrived, my customers and their customers got their Easter Sacks and Can Glasses, and everyone was happy. Actually everyone was so appreciative that I went the extra mile. I was really glad. Some people even offered to pitch it for the air fares! I declined, because I felt that it was my responsibility as a business owner to do this.

But its true, I probably could have flown my entire family there to collect them and it would have been the same amount of money.
But all's well that ends well. They arrived, my customers and their customers got their Easter Sacks and Can Glasses, and everyone was happy. Actually everyone was so appreciative that I went the extra mile. I was really glad. Some people even offered to pitch it for the air fares! I declined, because I felt that it was my responsibility as a business owner to do this.

But my lesson learnt here - is not that I won't do preorders anymore, because I will - but that the supply chain is so unpredictable that I can't rely on it right now. So I will keep doing what I do and communicate to you guys as many updates as I can. Even if it means a Insta story every day and an email every other day. Thanks for everyone's patience!
