Content ideas to use this June

How is it June already?! Isn’t that crazy? The mercury has lowered, we’re getting ready for tax time and puffer jackets are my choice of garment at the moment!
Social media content is hard enough to keep up with and usually, small businesses crafters like me are too busy just trying to get those orders out, so content is the last thing on their minds. Though, topical content is really important to stay on top of. Special days and trending content is just another hat you have to wear when trying to market your product!
But no stress, I got you- here are the cheat notes. Here’s what’s a few content ideas for June so you can batch create that content, schedule it in and not have to worry about it!
1. Share 3 things that you've learnt in business
Your audiences want to follow you on your journey. Share 3 things that you’ve learnt along the way- and your audiences will appreciate your honesty. Like this for example- I spoke openly and honestly about the shipping issues I was having, everyone understood and even offered to pay extra in shipping!
2. It's Social Media Day on June 30.
Tag biz friend or customer that you met on social media and tell them you appreciate them!
3. It's National Take your Dog to Work Day on 24th June.
Prepare a doggie post or product to share this day!
Need even more ideas? Click here for more!